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updated: 4/10/98

MacDNS FAQ's & Troubleshooting
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Frequently-Asked Questions

What can I do to speed up performance of MacDNS?

Answer: "Detailed" and "Microscopic" log messages can cause a noticeable performance hit. For fastest performance, choose "Important" or "Critical" from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the Message Log window, and keep the window closed when you are not actively monitoring the server.

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If I need a "parent" server, why bother running MacDNS at all? Why not just use my ISP’s name server?

Answer: One clear advantage of running MacDNS is that it reduces the amount of outward-bound network traffic on your local-area network (LAN). Lookups for a given host name can be serviced very quickly from MacDNS’s cache. Another advantage is that you have control of your domains, instead of your ISP having control. For example, you can add or remove hosts instantly, instead of waiting for a service provider to accomodate your request.

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I work for a large company/university with thousands of computers on the Net. Can I use MacDNS as my primary DNS server? Is MacDNS only for small and medium-sized LANs? What are its limits?

Answer: The number of hosts that MacDNS can support is limited only by the amount of memory available to the application. While it is possible to serve an organization of any size with MacDNS, it is not currently possible to delegate subdomains to another name server. This means that you need to include all hosts from all the subdomains of your domain in the local database. For example, if you serve "domain.com," you would need to include "host1.subdomain.domain.com." and so forth. This requirement might be a nuisance for large sites that have many sub- domains in different locations. In such a situation, you may want to use a centralized, UNIX-based DNS server for the top-level domain, and MacDNS servers for individual subdomains.

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What is a recursive lookup, and does MacDNS support them?

    In a recursive lookup for a host name, the DNS server contacts a parent server to find the answer. If the parent server does not have the host name address in it's cache, the original DNS server follows a pointer to the next DNS server until it finds the host name.

    MacDNS 1.04 does not perform recursive lookups. However, to the end user and client applications it appears that it does. MacDNS acts as a forwarding nameserver. When MacDNS is required to resolve a Domain Name (Apple.Com) outside its domain(s) (i.e., acme.com) it forwards the request to a parent DNS Server (such as an ISP's DNS server) which then performs a recursive lookup and returns the answer to MacDNS.

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How does MacDNS do zone transfers?

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Is there anything I should know about importing zone files from Unix machines?

    DNS running on Unix machines is able to have information for several domain name spaces within the same zone file; it does so by having multiple SOA (start of authority) records within the file. MacDNS requires separate zone files for each domain name space, each file starting with the SOA record. It's uncommon to find a need to set up MacDNS in place of an existing Unix machine running DNS, but if one were to do this, you'd need to check the file for multiple "SOA" records and some manual editing of the file may be needed to break it into separate zone files, each begining with the SOA record.

    In addition, the file should not begin with ";" or "$ORIGIN."

    See TIL article 19189 for more information about importing existing BIND zones into MacDNS.

Is it possible to specify more than one secondary name server for a given domain?

Answer: Only one secondary name server can be entered in the Zone Information dialog, but MacDNS does support multiple secondary NS records. To specify more than one secondary name server, you’ll need to edit the zone file manually with a text editor. Look for the line that says: ; Nameserver entries

After this line, you’ll notice the secondary name server (NS) entry. If you need more secondary servers, just add additional lines. For example:

mydomain.com. NS
secondary.provider.net. mydomain.com. NS
another.provider.net. mydomain.com. NS
third.provider.net. mydomain.com. NS

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How do I serve multiple domains with MacDNS? I want to map "www.intercloud.com" and "www.tyrell.org" to my Web server.

Answer: For each unique top-level domain name you want to serve, choose "New Zone File..." from the File menu and enter the domain name in the Zone Information dialog box. You can have multiple zone files open at once. Even if www.tyrell.org is just intended to be an alias to your Web server at www.intercloud.com, you still need to create a zone file for tyrell.org, because you are serving a host within that namespace. In the Zone Information dialog for tyrell.org, enter the same information that you specified for the intercloud.com zone (with the exception of the Domain Name field, of course.) Add a permanent host entry for www.tyrell.org. You can then assign the IP address of the "real" host machine (www.intercloud.com) to this host.

When you map entries across multiple domains to a single IP address in this way, it’s important to be aware of how reverse (PTR) queries for the IP address are handled. Only the canonical domain name for a given IP address is returned. Currently, MacDNS defines the canonical name for an IP address as the first permanent host entry it finds which matches that address. To ensure that MacDNS returns a particular name for a reverse lookup when cross-domain host names are mapped to an IP address, simply create or open the zone file containing that entry first.

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How do I set up multiple default home pages on my Web server using MacDNS?

Answer: You don’t. Serving up a different default HTML page based on the domain name in a URL is an issue for HTTP server software (or an add-on product which runs on a Web server machine, such as HomeDoor from Open Door Networks).

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How do I set up a default MX record for my domain?

Answer: Enter the name of the default mail exchanger in the dialog box for the host whose name is the same as your domain name. (If there isn’t one, then you need to create an "MX-only" host.)

There’s no need to enter explicit MX information for each host in the domain.

For example, if you are setting up MacDNS to serve "mydomain.net.", there are two possibilities:

  • You have a host computer named "mydomain.net." Choose "Add Permanent Host..." from the Hosts menu to create a host named "mydomain.net."

  • None of your host machines is actually named "mydomain.net."Choose "Add MX-Only Host..." from the Hosts menu to create a host named "mydomain.net."

Enter the MX information in the dialog box that appears. A sample mail exchanger record for "mydomain.net." might look like this:

10 mail.mydomain.net., 20 altmail.mydomain.net.

In this example, a computer named "mail.mydomain.net." is specified as the preferred SMTP mail server for this domain. The numbers 10 and 20 are preference values which indicate the relative priority of the mail exchangers: a lower number means a higher priority. Because "altmail.mydomain.net." has a higher preference value, mail will be routed to it only when the preferred server "mail" is unavailable.

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How do I set up a wildcard PTR entry for a block of addresses?

Answer: MacDNS does not currently support wildcard entries. Generally, this would be useful if you are running software (such as the Apple IP Gateway) which assigns IP addresses from a pool.

To provide reverse name mapping for these IP addresses, you need to create a permanent host entry with a name for each, for example:


"IP-pool-2.mydomain.com", and so on.

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I’m setting up MacDNS to serve an intranet at my office. Our network isn’t connected to the Internet. Should I just make up arbitrary IP addresses for the hosts in my domain?

By convention, IP addresses that you assign for a private network should fall within the following three blocks of the IP address space: to, which provides up to 2^24 Class A addresses, which would use subnet mask to, which provides up to 2^16 Class B addresses, which would use subnet mask to, which provides up to 2^8 Class C addresses, which would use subnet mask

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Why do I sometimes see incoming requests in the log file with my local domain name tacked on the end? (i.e. "www.apple.com.mydomain.com")

This situation usually occurs due to the way your client application and TCP/IP are configured on the client end. If you try to look up a name that isn’t terminated with a dot, the client assumes that the name isn’t a fully-qualified domain name and appends the default domain name to the end before sending off the request. If your DNS client is using MacTCP, try setting ‘.’ as the default domain name; on the client machine, type a period in the box to the left of where you entered the IP address of the DNS server.

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How can I add a new hardware/software type for a host? I have a bunch of PCs, but that isn’t one of the hardware options.

Answer: It’s possible to add new hardware/software types to the popup menus that appear in the Host Information dialog box. However, you’ll need to be familiar with ResEdit. Open the MacDNS server application and edit ‘MENU’ resources ID=8 and ID=9.

Each menu item is in the form

[name]#[command-ID]. If you add new items to the menu, be sure to continue the command IDs in sequential order (for example, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, and so on.) (Disclaimer: This information is provided for testing purposes only. Apple does not recommend or support this modification. Use ResEdit at your own risk.)

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My secondary DNS provider wants the serial numbers for my domain data to be in "YYMMDDnn" format. Does MacDNS support this?

Answer: MacDNS starts the serial number at 1 and increments it by 1 each time the zone file is saved.

("DNS and BIND," published by O’Reilly and Associates, describes this method as one of the good ways to manage serial numbers.) The YYMMDDnn format is not part of the DNS specification.

However, you can satisfy your provider’s requirements simply by using a text editor to open and edit your zone file. The serial number is stored as part of the SOA (start of authority) record at the beginning of the file; it’s the first number following the administrator’s e-mail address. For example, if today is February 5, 1996, and it’s the first change to this file today, you would change the number to 96020501. After you make this change, just re-open the zone file in MacDNS and you’re set.

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